Sacred Heart Parish seeks to live its Catholic tradition and to build a community of faith through worship, education, stewardship, Christian service, and evangelization in order to share God's love for all people.
Saturday:5:00pm Vigil
Sunday: 9:00am Traditional
11:45am Contemporary
2:00pm Misa en español
​Daily Mass:
Monday-Friday: 9:00am
Wednesday: 5:30pm (available after Labor Day through before Memorial Day)
Holy Days of Obligation Mass (Times vary during Christmas & Easter) :
Vigil: 5:30pm
Solemnity morning: 9:00am
Solemnity evening: 7:00pm bilingual
Saturday 3:00-4:30pm
Sunday 1:00-2:00pm or by appointment
Weekday Eucharistic Adoration:
Contact the Parish Office for more information.
Eucharistic Adoration for Parishioners:
Contact the Adoration ministry leader or the
Parish Office for access.
Jesus meek and humble of heart, make our hearts like unto thine.
Parish Office Hours - Horas de oficina:
Monday-Thursday: 9:30-4:00PM