An official three-day renewal weekend centering and coming to know ourselves and the God who made us. It is chance for a closer relationship with Jesus and to share it with others.
Each Sunday small groups meet to discuss chosen book. Groups meet September to May from 10:15- 11:30 AM and follows the Religious Ed calendar.
A program of bible study held periodically throughout the year on Thursdays during lunchtime. Selected books of the Bible are discussed in blocks of approximately 10 weeks.
ACTS (Adoration, Community, Theology, Service) retreats provide a spark that ignites Catholics with the eternal flame of the Holy Spirit. ACTS is a light for New Evangelization fostering love, discipleship, and a commitment to Jesus.
An adult women's bible study open to any woman 18 years old and older.
The Order of Christian Initiation for Adults is a program which services to guide people on their journey into the Catholic Church. Sponsors are needed to shepherd prospective members through the process from September to Easter.
Preparing to receive sacraments is a unique spiritually enriching time. Baptismal preparation classes are offered for parents and godparents. Marriage prep program is designed to prepare engaged couples for a life time commitment in sacramental marriage.
Formation begins with Mass at 6:00 PM, followed by light snacks and formation starting at 7:00 PM. Bulletin announces dates. Also offered in Spanish throughout the year.
Young adults committed to their faith and the growth of their relationship with Christ and one another.
Long-term formation for Sacramentally married couples that want to grow in holiness together.
Antioch is a weekend retreat held for high school students
in January. Students gather for prayer, witness, fellowship and
the sacraments. Former attendees serve on the God Squad in
support of the weekend.
A program in which the Sunday scripture readings are proclaimed and explained on a level appropriate to children in grades Kindergarten and 1st grade during the 9:00 AM Sunday Mass. Any child in this age group may participate - no registration is necessary.
Middle School Youth Ministry for students in 6th-8th grade. This ‘LifeTeen’ based program offers middle school youth the opportunity to engage in fun faith formation, social activities and service opportunities.
Seeks to lead our high school youth closer to Christ through the sacraments, Life Nights, scripture study, Eucharistic conferences/retreats, service fellowship and more. LifeTeen meets on Wednesday’s from 6:00-8:00PM August through May.
Join this wonderful ministry in nourishing our youth with religious education for children 4 years old to 8th grade. Classes begin in August and run through early May. Catechists and aides are needed.
VBS is a specially designed week-long program during the summer to lead kids closer to Jesus while having a blast learning about the treasures of the Catholic faith. Adults to teens are welcomed to share their time and talents.
Altar servers assist and support priest and deacon during various liturgies and worship services.
Sacred Heart sponsors Cub Scout Pack 122. Boys in 1st through 5th grades meet weekly in different dens and the Pack meets on the 4th Monday of the month. The boys experience day hiking, camping and other activities to prepare for Boy Scouts.
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character, who make the world a better place. Scouting helps girls develop their potential.
Kids from 4 years old to 18 years old are eligible to play. Association is always in need of coaches and especially volunteers to help with our soccer committees. Training and coaching clinics are available for new coaches.
This is a boy scout venture crew composed of boys and girls ages 14-20 years old. Group is a high adventure oriented and focus on group selected activities.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist are appointed by the Pastor and serve at his discretion in their Diocese. Ministers distribute Holy Communion at Mass and help in the set up and clean up after Mass. Any Catholic 18 or older, who is in sacramental unity in the church may apply for consideration.
These ministers provide a very important service for our parishioners in taking Holy Communion to our sick, homebound and permanent residents of nursing homes.
Lectors are those who have the heart for proclaiming the Word. Lectors must be good readers and have strong voices. Any confirmed member of the parish may audition to be a lector. Lectors are trained initially and must attend yearly workshops. Lectors may select their Mass.
Liturgical Committee is involved in planning the liturgies of our parish. The committee helps to make liturgies run smoothly and offers suggestions for art and environment in the church.
Ministry of Hospitality is an important outreach to our parish. Our Mission is to provide a welcoming environment for all who come together in prayer in God’s House.
Cantors are responsible for proclaiming the Psalm in song during Mass. Cantors often fulfill the role of song leader when no choir is present. Anyone who is interested is encouraged to audition. Practices are held as needed.
The Hand Bell Choir plays at various special Masses throughout the liturgical year. No musical experience is necessary. Practice is on Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 PM in the Church.
The SH Choir is the core of the music ministry. We continually work on and learn proper vocal techniques, healthy singing, singing in parts, preparing for parish liturgies, and building community. Practice is Wednesday from 7:00-8:00 PM in the music room.
The Acoustic Choir offers a more contemporary selection of music for the 11:45 AM Mass. Youthful voices are encouraged to come sing and we always need guitar, keyboards, bass, and percussion instruments. Practice is Sunday 11:00am-11:30 AM.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is held Sunday 3PM - 10PM, Monday through Friday 5AM - 10PM and Saturday from 5AM - 5PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel. Guardians and substitutes are needed for many hours.
Benediction is held the first Saturday of every month at 9:00 AM in the Church. Incense is normally used during this service in case you are allergic to perfumes or smoke. All are welcome.
Join fellow parishioners for adoration after the 9:00 AM Mass on the first Thursday of the month for praying for our priests. All are welcome.
The Holy Spirit Prayer Group praises God through song, praise,
scripture, and prayer. The group uses intercessory prayer for the good of the parish, our priests and members.
Join fellow parishioners Friday at 7:30 PM in the Blessed Sacrament Chapel in reciting the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary. All are welcome.
Group with other mothers for scripture study, prayer and fellowship. Ministry meets 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month from 10:00-11:30 AM. Childcare is available.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament includes praying the Rosary and silent prayer. Adoration is held every Friday from 8:00-9:00 PM in the church or Blessed Sacrament Chapel.
Vietnamese community sponsors Mass and Rosary in their native language. Watch the bulletin for scheduled dates and times.
League of Saint Martin, Devotion to the Holy Face
in reparation for the sins against the first three commandments. We meet on 2nd Tuesday @10am in Social Hall 102 and 3rd Friday of the month @ 10am in the Fellowship Room.
Ministry members maintain the cleanliness and dignity of the sanctuary, chapels, sacristies and the Narthex.
This ministry is responsible for the weekly and seasonal décor of the church for both the Sacristy and the Narthex.
Team members provide meals for the families of deceased members of our parish.
The Black Catholic Ministry supports parish life of our church, our school and brings awareness of the African Culture’s contribution to Catholicism.
This wonderful ministry helps one overcome their hurts, habits and hang ups through music, instruction testimony, discussion and their relationships and helps them grow closer to God at the same time.
This awesome ministry’s mission is to provide outreach assistance to needy families within the North Houston County community.
The Council of Catholic Women’s mission is to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. Our activities respond to the needs of the Church, society, and the world through discipleship and spiritual growth.
CFC Ministry is a movement intended for the renewal, strengthening and defending the family as a basic unit of society and of the Church in accordance with God’s plan.
Family Promise is an interdenominational program to help homeless families with temporary housing and food. Sacred Heart helps by providing meals, volunteers and other needs.
Financial Peace University is a weekly class on financial management with materials developed by Dave Ramsey with a scriptural basis. Classes are offered in the fall and winter.
Ministry mission calls for us to defend life in all of its stages and in every condition. Members seek to engage in actions that promote, preserve and protect the God given right to life from conception to natural death.
The Golden Hearts provide recreation and entertainment for Catholic Seniors who are interested in participating in faith-based activities.
KofC is a Catholic, Family, Fraternal and Service Organization. Open to Catholic men 18 and older.
This ministry supports the works of the Knights of Columbus as well as many of their own charitable concerns.
The Nursery is open during Masses, social parish activities and certain adult formations. The Nursery is available from infants up to children 4 years of age.
This ministry provides a meal each week for the priests in our Parish so they can better serve our community.
Sound Shepherds help operate the sound system for Masses held in the Church as well as sound for meetings and activities in the Social Hall and PAC and for various school functions.
A monthly project day inside or outside the church, to keep our facilities beautiful
Parish Office Hours - Horas de oficina:
Monday-Thursday: 9:30-4:00PM